At the end of the 20th century and at the beginning of the 21st, many Swiss cantons elaborated new cantonal constitutions. The Future Council Foundation visited the Constitutional Council of many cantons, proposing the introduction of future councils into the new constitutions. In the canton of Waadt, the proposition found its way into the new constitution in 2002. Article 72 says: In order to prepare the future, the canton of Waadt bases its efforts on a prospective institution. It was finally instituted in 2008 and since then it is working. >>> More
In other cantons the idea to create a future council hasn't found a majority. In the canton of Zurich, where the Future Council Foundation had presented the idea, too, it almost happened. The proposition of the constitutional committee in charge was turned down in July 2002 with only 45 against 40 votes.
In the first decade of this century, the canton of St. Gallen created a small office for political planing and controlling. Today, it provides in a methodical, modest way a coherent landscape of the goals which the government wants to reach within the next ten years. >>> More